is aware of turmeric. It has a special place in the Indian kitchen.
In fact no auspicious work is completed without the use of turmeric.
It is also an important ingredient in the production of cosmetics.
It is hot in nature and hence removes kapha, vata, increases pitta
and relieves pain. It is also pungent in taste and hence it cures
pitta, kapha, increases blood, controls bleeding and also helps
in removal of blood. It increases taste and helps in proper urination.
This is the best medicine for the treatment of discharge of vital
humours. Its lep (paste) relives pain, swelling, cures leprosy,
heals wounds, and boils. Its fume controls hiccups, respiratory
problems and removes poison. It is used for overcoming the disorders
related to kapha, liver, blood, dysentery, discharge of vital humoursjaundice,
skin ailments and eyelid boils.
to Sushrut
Turmeric, Daruhaldi and musta are all beneficial in the treatment
of dysentery, especially doshas related to indigestion.
Turmeric, Daruhaldi, myrobalan, baheda removes kapha. They purify
the milk, relives vaginal problems helps in digestion of food.
Turmeric, Daruhaldi, Lemon, Triphala are all beneficial in the treatment
of diseases caused due to hot sweet essence, kapha, pitta diseases,
leprosy, removes germs and heat chronic wounds.
Mix six gram turmeric in buttermilk and take twice daily to cure
jaundice within four to five days.
Add 12gm turmeric in 50gm curd and take for relief.
Mix equal quantities of loh bhasma, Harad, turmeric (375mg) and
take it with clarified butter and honey and take only Harad with
jaggery and honey.
In case of secretion from eyes, add turmeric and roasted alum in
the ratio of 1:20 and pour two drops in each ear thrice daily.
Boil one gm turmeric in 25ml water, sieves and pour in eyes to relieves
pain. The cloth dipped in turmeric quath is used for rinsing eyes.
Rub dried turmeric tube and loghra in water and apply the lep on
the breast for relief.
Take two to five gm powder of Ajmoda, turmeric, myrobalan, yavakshar,
chitrak each and take it with spoonful honey for relief.
Dry turmeric and take one to two gm powders with honey or clarified
butter for relief.
Take turmeric fumigation at bedtime and do not drink water till
Mix rapeseed oil, turmeric and rock salt, massage the gums and rinse
with hot water to cure all types of problems related to gums.
Boil ten gram turmeric root in 250 gm water, add jaggery and take
for relief.
Take equal quantities of skin of Daruhaldi roots and dry ginger
powder and take two to five gm twice or thrice daily for relief.
Urinary disorders:
According to Chikistsayan, turmeric cures 16 different types of
urinary disorders. Add two to five gm turmeric with myrobalan juice
and honey and take it twice daily for relief.
Add equal quantities of turmeric and guggul powder, and take five
to ten gm twice daily.
Boil turmeric powder in milk and take it with jaggery for relief.
Add 10gm turmeric in Sehund milk and apply the lep on hemorrhoids
for quick healing. Rub them with the churna of bitter Torai; the
hemorrhoids fall off automatically due to friction.
Mix equal quantities of turmeric and Ghosh laata in rapeseed oil
and apply the lep on the hemorrhoids.
of vital humours caused due to kapha: make a quath with turmeric,
Daruhaldi, vaividing, take 50-60gm with 10gm honey twice daily.
Swelling: grind equal quantities of turmeric, pippali, patha, small
kateri, chitramoolak, dry ginger powder, pippala churna, motha,
sieve it with cloth and store in a jar. Take two gram with lukewarm
water to overcome swelling caused due to tridoshas and chronic swelling.
Gout: prepare quath with turmeric, dhatri, nagarmotha (100gm), let
it cool. Take spoonful with honey to remove kapha. The patient should
take twice daily.
Drink 10-20 gm of quath made with Daruhaldi branches to cause perspiration
and bowel movement. It overcomes the pain in case of arthritis.
Use Daruhaldi root powder is for children in case of loose motions.
Its lep is applied on painful eye for relief. It also improves the
eyesight, reduced due to exposure to sun.
Skin ailments: take two to five gm turmeric churna with cow urine
twice or thrice daily in case of itching,